
The Office for the Pastoral Care of the family

Address: Kaptol 31, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +385 1 4894 839
Fax: +385 1 4894 869
Head of the office: Mislav Kutleša

What does the office do?

I. Brief description:
  1. Coordination of marital and family issues, initiatives and guidelines for the Archdiocese of Zagreb;
  2. A systematic study of issues related to the pastoral care of marriage and family;
  3. Programs of continuous formation for marriage and family and issuing work materials for different areas of family ministry;
  4. Always give new incentives for pastoral care of families within the diocese, pastoral regions, deaneries and parishes.
II. Goals:
  1. Network: permanently develop and support families in parishes and deaneries;
  2. Formation: continuous education on family pastoral - from marriage preparation courses (Pre Cana) to adoption of knowledge and skills for a better marriage and family life for newlyweds and married couples;
  3. Public action: so the network of Catholic families could promote and defend the values of marriage and family in public.
III. Office in a special way:
  1. Promotes ‘God's thoughts’ on marriage and family;
  2. Promotes and coordinates marriage preparation courses (Pre- Cana);
  3. Forms pastoral staff for families;
  4. Encourages studies of moral, social and religious issues related to marriage and family;
  5. Promotes structures for pastoral care for marriage and family in parishes, deaneries and at regional level
  6. Takes care of remote families and for those in specific and difficult situations;
  7. It supports various forms of service to families: family counselling and counselling for natural family planning;
  8. Raising social sensitivity to various issues related to the protection of unborn life;
  9. Encourages cooperation with social and cultural structures for the good of the families.
IV. Target groups:

1. Premarital programs: marriage preparation courses (Pre Cana);
2. Post marital programs:
a. for newlyweds and families
b. welfare of marriage and the family at time of birth and upbringing of children
c. long-married couples
d. families in difficulties.
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