Zagrebačka nadbiskupija

Archdiocese of Zagreb

Blessed Julian of Bale

Julian, a priest and Franciscan was born around the year 1300 and died on May 1, 1349, in Bale. He joined the Franciscans at an early age and after graduating in theology he was ordained as priest. Although he lived in various monasteries in Istria, he spent most of his life in the monastery of St. Michael near Bale.

He was preaching and distributing sacraments in Istrian villages and towns and was known as a man settling differences among those in fights. He is often portrayed with a book and crucifix in his hand, as he preached the motto of the Franciscan order ‘Peace and the good!’, as a herald of the word of God.

Despite his travels all over Istria, many people came to the monastery of St. Michael to seek advice from him.

Right after his death people started worshipping him and the inhabitants of Bale chose him as their patron saint. They celebrated their patron saint three times a year: on the Feast of the Franciscans, the day when his remains were relocated, and the day when the altar was consecrated.

The magnificent church in Bale was built in 1882 and according to the inscription incised in stone, it is consecrated to the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (to St. Elizabeth) and the Blessed Julian.